Rita Ivanova
Working on book
"This Big World"
by Lauren J Streifer, 2021
After working on the first book "This Small King" by Lauren, we started work on the second book in a series of 4 books, about distant travels and home. The main character in the story is a teenager with Indian origins. I needed to come up with a character who was of unclear gender, determined and with a lot of hope in his heart.
Going beyond the scope of the assignment, I decided to look for an image in more detail than was required in this project. As opposed to the defiant and capricious hero from the first book, I decided to make this character more timid but determined: he had just realised his freedom and found the courage to go on big journeys to explore the world, outside and inside, to test his courage.
Below are the search sketches. Concept art of the main character and his mother, who stays at home and always looks forward to her child's return.
The cover of the second book in the series refers readers to the illustration with which the first story ends.
-See you later!

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